Nautilus Proteome Analysis Platform

Revealing the depths of the proteome with unprecedented scale and accessibility


Quantify the entire proteome

Building a platform to power next-generation proteomics

With current technologies, researchers can only measure 8-30% of the proteome routinely and must use complicated, customized workflows to do so. Frustrated with the status quo, we set out to build a next-generation proteomics platform that can quantify the whole proteome with an integrated workflow that is accessible to a wide range biological research labs.

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Advantages of the Nautilus Proteome Analysis Platform

Comprehensive proteome

Unleash >95% of the proteome for holistic insights into the biology of your samples.

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Comprehensive proteome

Multi-affinity probes enables quantification of 1,000s of unique proteins providing high quality data throughput per sample.

Wide dynamic

Match the scale of the proteome with up to 10 billion single-molecule protein measurements per run.

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Wide dynamic

Up to 10 billion landing pads per sample provide up to 9 orders of magnitude dynamic range and limit the need for depleting high abundance proteins.


Identify and quantify proteins and proteoforms at the single-molecule level.

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Single-molecule counting provides the highest sensitivity for detection and quantification of proteins and proteoforms.

Reproducible and

Quantitative, digital readout of intact, full-length proteins gives you confidence in your data.

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Reproducible and

The combined use of hundreds of multi-affinity probes, a machine learning algorithm that parses binding data into high probability protein identifications, and automated workflows minimizes errors and improves reproducibility.

Rapid run

Speed time to discovery with an integrated workflow from sample to data.

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Rapid run

Delivering digital counts with a simple workflow avoids lengthy, time-consuming data analysis that requires specialized expertise.


Any lab can measure the proteome with our platform.

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Molecular labs can easily generate proteomic data from complex biological samples with simple workflows and automated data analysis and interpretation.


One platform, two analysis methods

Broadscale discovery proteomics

Our platform is designed to leverage a methodology known as Protein Identification by Short-epitope Mapping (PrISM) to analyze substantively the entire proteome of any sample using hundreds of proprietary multi-affinity probes. With this type of broadscale proteome analysis, researchers can perform discovery proteomics and learn how the proteome is affected in an unbiased way. In fact, modeling work shows that we can measure greater than 95% of the proteome in a variety of sample types using 300 cycles of multi-affinity probe binding. This should make it possible for scientists in any lab to routinely interrogate changes to the proteome under a variety of conditions in an unbiased manner.

Broadscale discovery proteomics process

Targeted proteoform analysis

Proteoforms are the many variants of proteins found in biological systems. Each proteoform is defined by its full set of modifications, whether those modifications come from alternative splicing, post-translational modification, or any other source. Thus, targeted proteoform studies require the Nautilus Platform's revolutionary ability to conduct single-molecule analysis of intact proteins. Such studies will complement top-down mass spectrometry approaches that are well-suited to de novo proteoform identification, but too complex and time consuming for exploring proteoform function across many samples.

Targeted proteoform analysis process
Broadscale discovery proteomics

Integrated workflow from sample to protein quantification


Protein library preparation

Proteins are functionalized to produce a library of single-molecules on a hyper-dense nanoarray.


Decoding and quantification

Fluorescently labeled multi-affinity probes interrogate single proteins on the array and machine learning transforms each pattern of binding into protein identity and quantity.


Digital protein counts can be analyzed to discover new biology

The platform generates a simple output format with protein identities and counts. Data can be further analyzed in Nautilus’ cloud portal to derive biological insights.


Protein library preparation

Proteins are functionalized to produce a library of single-molecules on a hyper-dense nanoarray.


Proteoform identification and quantification

Targeted probes specific to proteoforms of interest are used to identify proteoforms on the platform. Quantification is performed by counting how many molecules of each proteoform are observed.


Data interpretation

Quantified proteoforms are analyzed with a variety of visualization tools to reveal new insights.

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