Below we share recordings of two presentations from our time at HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany. The first presentation is by Nautilus Senior Director of Scientific Affairs and Alliance Management Andreas Huhmer and covers how we conduct quantitative assessments of tau proteoforms on the Nautilus Proteome Analysis Platform. The second presentation is by Nautilus VP of Probe Development and Bioinformatics Sheri Wilcox and covers how the platform is designed to achieve a wide dynamic range enabling comprehensive proteome coverage. Have any questions for us? Reach out via our contact page.
Quantitative assessment of Tau proteoform changes in iPSC-derived neurons during differentiation
Senior Director of Scientific Affairs and Alliance Management Andreas Huhmer presents new data demonstrating the Nautilus Proteome Analysis Platform’s ability to measure tau proteoforms in various biological models.
Click on the button to the right and fill out the form to learn how we measure tau proteoforms with an unprecedented level of resolution.
Sensitivity and dynamic range of massively parallel single-molecule protein quantitation using PrISM
VP of Probe Development and Bioinformatics Sheri Wilcox shares how the Nautilus Proteome Analysis Platform is designed to quantify proteins across the wide dynamic range of the proteome and quantify substantively the entire proteome.
Click on the button to the right and fill out the form to learn how our proteome quantification methodology known as Protein identification by Short-epitope Mapping (PrISM) enables comprehensive proteome coverage.