Learn more about proteomics, the Nautilus™ Platform, and their applications.
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Applications of proteomics – Biomarker discovery
Proteomic analysis could find new biomarkers for a range of conditions, enabling new treatments and better insights into disease.
Tyler Ford
April 25, 2023
Unlocking the complexity of proteins to fuel precision medicine (Part 2)
Learn some of the ways next-generation proteomics technologies can improve drug development and lead to more effective disease treatments.
April 20, 2023
What are protein biomarkers?
Protein molecules that indicate the presence of specific diseases or processes are called biomarkers. They hold the potential to help diagnose diseases and more.
Gracie Murphy
April 18, 2023
Unlocking the complexity of proteins to fuel precision medicine (Part 1)
Learn some of the ways next-generation proteomics technologies can improve our understanding of the mechanisms of disease.
April 13, 2023
A glimpse into the future – A proteome-powered ER visit
Learn how proteomics can enhance all aspects of patient care during an emergency room visit.
April 11, 2023
These are some of the most important proteins in the human body
The proteins that make up the proteome drive fundamental processes. Here are some of the most important proteins in human health.
April 6, 2023
The incredible power of proteins: How the FGF21 protein helps mice sober up
Researchers could use proteomics to learn more about how FGF21 works in the body, and how it could help humans, too.
Nathaniel Scharping
April 4, 2023
Leading women in science at Nautilus
Meet some of the leading women in science at Nautilus who are working hard to bring on the proteomics revolution.
March 31, 2023
5 ways machine learning impacts modern life (and may even revolutionize biotechnology)
Learn how machine learning impacts everyday life and can revolutionize biotech through applications in protein research and proteomics
March 30, 2023
Designing an ideal proteomic analysis platform
No proteomic analysis technology today checks all the boxes for an ideal platform. But we may soon get there.
March 28, 2023
What is proteomics? Techniques, applications and methods
Proteomics studies the proteome, or the collection of all of the proteins in a biological sample.
March 21, 2023
What is the proteome?
The proteome is the collection of all proteins in a biological sample. Proteomics measures protein abundance, function, and interactions across the proteome.
March 16, 2023
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